Friday, July 20, 2007

U.S. the "Greatest Country in the World?"

That was the topic on open phones on C-Span this morning. I was in my normal a.m. 50 yard dash to get to work on time mode but I think the question was being posed in response to some statements to the contrary made by author, lawyer and activist Randall Robinson, who is going to be interviewed on C-Span's Q & A segment this Sunday.

The assertion that the U.S. is "The Greatest Country in the World" is in reality the greatest rhetorical flourish ever devised for use by self-serving politicians, assorted members of the American ruling class and their footmen (+women) in the media and academia, to choke off critical thinking on the part of the average citizen.

For example in a very similar vain, talk radio windbag Rush Limbaugh has said that the U.S. has "the greatest health care system in the world" and it probably is for someone with his kind of wealth. But what about the 47 million inhabitants of the world's greatest country that have no access to this system other than through an emergency room? Limbaugh and other proponents of the greatest country thesis would probably reply: "Well, all that is needed to fix that minor problem is a tax credit here, a state mandate there - no need to critique the system as a whole because, of course, it is the greatest the world has ever seen and you wouldn't want to risk that for something like they have in Slovenia, would you?"

Now I do think there are some things that Americans may be justifiably proud of - though William Bennett, Lynn Cheney and other conservative scolds would probably not agree with some of my choices. But when I tally up the moral balance sheet of the U.S circa 2007, I think we actually have a lot more to be ashamed of.

We allowed Fox News, Jim Baker, Tom Delay, John Bolton and the Supreme Court to carry out what author Daniel Lazare has referred to as the "Velvet Coup," placing Bush and Cheney in office in clear violation of the will of the majority of voters.

We allowed Bush, Cheney, the neo-cons, military contractors, oil co's, AIPAC and their collaborators in Congress and the media to take our country into an unnecessary war with Iraq and continue to allow the devastation and plunder of said country owing to the continued U.S. military and corporate presence.

We allowed Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell and other Republican operatives to subvert the voting process in that state (+others) thus conferring yet another dubious electoral "victory" upon Bush and Cheney in 2004.

We continue to allow Bush and Cheney to violate our civil liberties at will and to expand the powers of the executive branch beyond anything contemplated by the founders of the republic.

To my mind a truly great nation is one that would not put up with this kind of nonsense. Yes, our overall quality of life is far better than in many other countries and there are millions of people who would risk their lives to get here. But you are not going to get much of an inquiry as to why this is the case from mainstream politicians and pundits, who find it far more profitable to prattle on about America being "The Greatest Country in the World."

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